Honeywell Voyager 1200g - barcode scanner

SKU 1200G-2
Produktbeskrivelse:Honeywell Voyager 1200g - stregkodescanner
Type:Stregkodescanner - håndmodel - afkodet
Min. linjebredde:3.5 mil
Scanningskomponenttype:Lineær imager
Scanningshastighed:100 linie/sek
  • Specifikationer
  • Beskrivelse
Type:Stregkodescanner - håndmodel
Min. linjebredde:3.5 mil
Scanningskomponenttype:Lineær imager
Scanningshastighed:100 linie/sek
Maksimale arbejdsafstand:28.1 cm
Skæv vridning (grader):60
Pitch (grader):60
Print Contrast Signal (PCS):10%
Med afkodning:GS1 DataBar
Overensstemmelsesstandarder:RoHS, WEEE, cULus
Elektrisk strøm påkrævet:140 mA (drift), 70 mA (standby)
Mål og vægt
Bredde:18 cm
Dybde:6.6 cm
Højde:9.7 cm
Vægt:125 g
Service & Support:Begrænset garanti - 5 år
Miljømæssige parametre
Min. driftstemperatur:0 °C
Maks. driftstemperatur:50 °C
Fugtighedsgrad ved brug:0 - 95% (ikke-kondenserende)
Specifikation ved fald:1,5 m fald på beton
vis mere
Built on the platform of the single-line laser scanner, Honeywell's Voyager 1200g delivers aggressive scan performance on virtually all linear bar codes, including poor quality and damaged codes. Updated object detection, and automatic in-stand detection and configuration enable class-leading presentation scanning that maximizes throughput. Superior scan performance matched with a reliable design combine to provide a versatile linear scanning solution suitable for a wide variety of applications.
The intuitive Voyager 1200g provides fast and reliable scanning of linear bar codes across its full working range, minimizing the need for user training. Whether poorly printed, smudged or faded, the Voyager 1200g decodes difficult-to-read bar codes with ease. The Voyager 1200g also excels at scanning high density bar codes with resolution down to 3.5-mil, eliminating the need to purchase specialty scanners.
A recessed button protected by an integrated rubber co-mold minimizes the impact of accidental drops. Added durability is provided in the form of a protected, scratch-resistant glass window and an IP42-rating. The Voyager 1200g provides outstanding scan performance and reliability for end users seeking an exceptional linear scanning solution.
  • Outstanding scan performance on poor quality and damaged bar codes
  • Class-leading presentation scanning
  • Multi-interface
  • Superior out-of-box experience
  • Contemporary, ergonomic design
  • CodeGate technology

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