Honeywell MS5145 Eclipse - barcode scanner

SKU MK5145-71A38-EU
Produktbeskrivelse:Honeywell MS5145 Eclipse - stregkodescanner
Type:Stregkodescanner - håndmodel - USB - afkodet
Min. linjebredde:4 mil
Scanningskomponenttype:Synlig laserdiode
Scanningshastighed:72 linie/sek
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  • Specifikationer
  • Beskrivelse
Type:Stregkodescanner - håndmodel
Min. linjebredde:4 mil
Scanningskomponenttype:Synlig laserdiode
Scanningshastighed:72 linie/sek
Maksimale arbejdsafstand:17.8 cm
Skæv vridning (grader):52
Pitch (grader):68
Print Contrast Signal (PCS):35%
Med afkodning:EAN/JAN, Kode 93, Matrix 2 af 5, Kode 39, NW-7, GS1 DataBar, Telepen, Kode 32, Coadabar, Code 128, Kode 11, Kode 2 af 5, UPC, 2 af 5 interfolieret, MSI-Plessey, Kinesiske poststandard, Trioptic kode, EAN-UCC Composite, Code 93i
OK meddelelse:LED-indikator
Egenskaber:Reduced Space Symbology (RSS), CodeGate, CodeSense
Ekspansion / Konnektivitet
Interface:1 x USB - Type A
Medfølgende ledninger:1 x USB-kabel - 3 m
Overensstemmelsesstandarder:cUL, RoHS, WEEE, OPOS, cULus
Med software:MetroSet2
Mål og vægt
Bredde:6.3 cm
Dybde:16.9 cm
Højde:5.1 cm
Vægt:100 g
Service & Support:Begrænset garanti - 3 år
Miljømæssige parametre
Min. driftstemperatur:0 °C
Maks. driftstemperatur:40 °C
Fugtighedsgrad ved brug:5 - 95 % (ikke-kondenserende)
Specifikation ved fald:1.5 m
vis mere
Honeywell's MS5145 Eclipse is a low cost laser-based alternative to CCD scanners. Its compact form factor and high end feature set simplify its use in a variety of applications at the press of a button.
Eclipse is a single-line, hand-held laser scanner. Equipped with Honeywell's patented CodeGate technology, Eclipse can be used in a wide variety of applications. CodeGate technology allows the user to easily target the desired bar code and complete data transmission with the press of a single button. This makes Eclipse a perfect selection for menu scanning, point-of-sale, document processing and inventory control.
With Honeywell's state-of-the-art scanning technology, the MS5145 Eclipse has a longer working range and a wider scan field than a typical CCD. The width of the scan line grows as the scanner moves further away from bar codes.
CodeSense is a unique feature employed by Eclipse in the absence of infrared object detection. It provides the user with a pulsing laser line for bar code detection. When a bar code is detected, the laser line switches to a constant state to allow for scanning via CodeGate.
  • CodeGate
  • CodeSense
  • Powerlink cables
  • Flash ROM

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